The safety of my students is paramount in everything that I do - so with recent devastating events, I have revisited and updated my class risk assessments as well as creating a specific procedure and risk assessment in relation to the possibility of intruders.
Embleton Way - The front door will be open for students to enter between 5-10 minutes before class begins. Once class has started, the front door will be locked, so please come to the side door if you're late or need to collect early. This door will also be locked at all times but I will be there to open it if needed. The fire door is still accessible inside of the hall and cannot be opened from the outside. At the end of class, students will be brought to the front door to be seen safely to their parents or carers.
Lace Hill Community Centre - Please continue coming through the right hand side (as you look at the building) fire door as normal. The front door and double doors to the hall will be locked during class. Fire doors will also be closed but are accessible from the hall and can only be opened from the inside. Collection will continue to be from the fire door on the left hand side. Students will be seen safely to their parents or carers.
Bearing in mind the seriousness of the information above, I promise to always continue bringing a safe, comfortable and happy environment for my students to thrive within.
If you have any questions or queries, please do let me know.
Many thanks for your support and understanding,
Jade Edwards-Bytom
Term Dates, Maternity Leave & Payments